About the author
J Rose is an internationally bestselling romance author from the United Kingdom. She writes emotionally impactful stories that tackle real world issues. She’s an introverted bookworm at heart with a caffeine addiction, penchant for cursing, and an unhealthy attachment to fictional characters.
From a young age, J Rose was addicted to reading. Skipping out on summer holidays and playing outside like other kids her age to hole up with a stack of books from the library, she soon devoured her way through children’s fiction and moved to YA. After discovering a love of fantasy and paranormal books, J Rose dove head first into the likes of Rachel Caine, Kelley Armstrong and Charlaine Harris. She would only step away from her stacks of books to run straight back to the library and restock for another week’s worth of reading beneath her duvet by torchlight.
After graduating university in 2019 with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, J Rose’s obsession for words and stories was not yet sated. In the height of the pandemic, she retreated back into her favourite comfort activity and picked up an old story written ten years prior. Within a few months, a whole series and rich world of characters had spawned from those bare bones. Almost five years later, she has left a career working in public mental health care to pursue her love of writing rich, meaningful love stories full-time.
Connecting with readers and sharing the madness in her brain is one of J Rose’s greatest pleasures along with strong iced coffee, browsing vintage thrift stores for rare, leather-bound books, long walks in the fir forest near her home, and snuggling up with a gritty tale full of psychological suspense.
These days, she lives in the quiet countryside in England with her soon-to-be husband and a host of imaginary boyfriends. J Rose spends her time drinking rhubarb gin, curating stupidly long playlists and living in the heads of emotionally damaged fictional characters. She dreams of one day living next to the sea, and swimming in the ocean every single day. Beyond her book-filled office, the beach is her favourite place to be.
J Rose is deeply passionate about mental health and writing realistic, representative stories that make her readers feel seen. She loves to champion own-voices narratives and shed light on complex, long-term conditions that have remained under the guise of societal taboo for too long. In her stories, broken characters belong — finding love, healing, belonging and found families where imperfection is both accepted and celebrated.
Despite being allergic to social media and anything deemed too people-y, J Rose can be reached on Instagram and Facebook for a chat!
“I write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still.”
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”